August 11, 2012


Remember one of my blog posts titled, "Don't Let Summer Waste Away?" Well, is it me, or is this summer flying by? It probably is just flying by. I mean, one week. I'm at home relaxing, the next I'm on vacation, then all of a sudden it's August and I'm back home! Well, it seems I'm turning into a hypocrite and not taking my own advice to not let my summer waste away. In reality, it isn't because I still have a running list going of the activities I do every day on a calendar. To me, I have to be doing something special or different every day. That's my main summer goal. It's a hard goal to achieve, but that's what makes a goal a goal.

Every time summer rolls around, I want to do so much, but within the first week, I've forgotten everything I wanted to do during the summer and I am sitting at home doing what I am now; blogging, computering, Minecrafting, whatever. I do not want that happening again next summer. So, I created a plan to make a list starting now until next summer of the activities I would like to do when summer comes again. The things I want to do will be things that make me feel... um... what's the word for this... uh... 'accomplished.' 

I encourage you all to keep track of what you want to do in the future. It's a great way to get stuff done in your life and feel good about yourself. I know everyone talks about time management and goal setting, and everyone ignores it. But, I am almost a master of time management and leaving notes for myself. Trust me, it's worth it.

I know this was a quick blog post, but I'm running low on time now that summer is coming to a close and I'm going back to school soon. Hopefully, I will have more time in the future! Sorry!

Anyways, my question for the week is...

Have you been letting summer go to waste?

...Chickens are sexy. 

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