January 7, 2012

Here Comes the Hype...

Well, here we are. A brand new year. I hope you guys made some New Year's resolutions!!! Anyways, to start off this new year, I'd like to talk about the worthless countdown to "The End of the World" that starts now. I do not believe in this junk. I can tell already that there is going to be a lot of hype this year about the world ending.

For all people who are not aware, the world supposedly "ending" came about when a man named Constantine Rafinesque discovered the Mayan calendar in 1832. He discovered that the calendar ended on December 21, 2012 which led people into thinking the world will end on that date. There are many ways people think the world will end on that day and people who believe that the world will indeed end.

There were many other occasions when people thought the world was going to end. Remeber in the December of 1999 everyone thought the world was going to end when it became the year 2000? People thought the computers were going to explode since they thought they could not go up to the number 2. How ridiculous was that?

Just imagine what the Mayans were thinking about during that time...

I beg of you all to please not believe all of this hullaballo as it will be the story-of-the-year and will be talked about a lot. There was also a joke I had heard about the world ending in 2012:

I'll bet you a million dollars that the world won't end in 2012 because if it does, I don't owe you at all.
 So my question for this week will be...

Do you believe in all this hype about the world ending?

1 comment:

  1. NO.NO.NO. If I survived 2000 AND the Zombie Apocalypse, I can assure anyone that nothing will happen.
